API Reference

Convenience API


Schedule and run the given tasks.

The tasks to schedule over.
True if all blocks in the given tasks were successfully run, else False

Block-wise Task Scheduling

class daisy.Block(total_roi, read_roi, write_roi, block_id=None, task_id=None)[source]

Describes a block to process with attributes:


read_roi (class:Roi):

The region of interest (ROI) to read from.

write_roi (class:Roi):

The region of interest (ROI) to write to.

status (BlockStatus):

Stores the processing status of the block. Block status should be updated as it goes through the lifecycle of scheduler to client and back.

block_id (int):

A unique ID for this block (within all blocks tiling the total ROI to process).

task_id (int):

The id of the Task that this block belongs to.



The total ROI that the blocks are tiling, needed to find unique block IDs.

read_roi (class:Roi):

The region of interest (ROI) to read from.

write_roi (class:Roi):

The region of interest (ROI) to write to.

block_id (int, optional):

The ID to assign to this block. The ID is normally computed from the write ROI and the total ROI, such that each block has a unique ID.

task_id (int, optional):

The id of the Task that this block belongs to. Defaults to None.
class daisy.Scheduler(tasks: List[daisy.task.Task], count_all_orphans=True)[source]

This is the main scheduler that tracks states of tasks.

The Scheduler takes a list of tasks, and upon request will provide the next block available for processing.

the list of tasks to schedule. If any of the tasks have upstream dependencies these will be recursively enumerated and added to the scheduler.
count_all_orphans: bool:
Whether to guarantee accurate counting of all orphans. This can be inefficient if your dependency tree is particularly deep rather than just wide, so consider flipping this to False if you are having performance issues. If False, orphaned blocks will be counted as “pending” in the task state since there is no way to tell the difference between the two types without enumerating all orphans.
class daisy.Client(context=None)[source]

Client code that runs on a remote worker providing task management API for user code. It communicates with the scheduler through TCP/IP.

Scheduler IP address, port, and other configurations are typically passed to Client through an environment variable named ‘DAISY_CONTEXT’.

Example usage:

def blockwise_process(block):
def main():

client = Client() while True:

with client.acquire_block() as block:
if block is None:

blockwise_process(block) block.state = BlockStatus.SUCCESS # (or FAILED)

class daisy.Context(**kwargs)[source]
class daisy.Task(task_id, total_roi, read_roi, write_roi, process_function, check_function=None, init_callback_fn=None, read_write_conflict=True, num_workers=1, max_retries=2, fit='valid', timeout=None, upstream_tasks=None)[source]

Definition of a daisy task that is to be run in a block-wise fashion.


name (string):

The unique name of the task.

total_roi (class:daisy.Roi):

The region of interest (ROI) of the complete volume to process.

read_roi (class:daisy.Roi):

The ROI every block needs to read data from. Will be shifted over the total_roi to cover the whole volume.

write_roi (class:daisy.Roi):

The ROI every block writes data from. Will be shifted over the total_roi to cover the whole volume.

process_function (function):

A function that will be called as:


with block being the shifted read and write ROI for each location in the volume.

If read_write_conflict is True`, the callee can assume that there are no read/write concurencies, i.e., at any given point in time the ``read_roi does not overlap with the write_roi of another process.

check_function (function, optional):

A function that will be called as:


This function should return True if the block was completed. This is used internally to avoid processing blocks that are already done and to check if a block was correctly processed.

If a tuple of two functions is given, the first one will be called to check if the block needs to be run, and if so, the second one will be called after it was run to check if the run succeeded.

init_callback_fn (function, optional):

A function that Daisy will call once when the task is started. It will be called as:


Where context is the daisy.Context string that can be used by the daisy clients to connect to the server.

read_write_conflict (bool, optional):

Whether the read and write ROIs are conflicting, i.e., accessing the same resource. If set to False, all blocks can run at the same time in parallel. In this case, providing a read_roi is simply a means of convenience to ensure no out-of-bound accesses and to avoid re-computation of it in each block.

fit (string, optional):

How to handle cases where shifting blocks by the size of write_roi does not tile the total_roi. Possible options are:

“valid”: Skip blocks that would lie outside of total_roi. This is the default:

|---------------------------|     total ROI

|rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|                block 1
       |rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|         block 2
                                  no further block

“overhang”: Add all blocks that overlap with total_roi, even if they leave it. Client code has to take care of save access beyond total_roi in this case.:

|---------------------------|     total ROI

|rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|                block 1
       |rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|         block 2
              |rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|  block 3 (overhanging)

“shrink”: Like “overhang”, but shrink the boundary blocks’ read and write ROIs such that they are guaranteed to lie within total_roi. The shrinking will preserve the context, i.e., the difference between the read ROI and write ROI stays the same.:

|---------------------------|     total ROI

|rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|                block 1
       |rrrr|wwwwww|rrrr|         block 2
              |rrrr|www|rrrr|     block 3 (shrunk)

num_workers (int, optional):

The number of parallel processes to run.

max_retries (int, optional):

The maximum number of times a task will be retried if failed (either due to failed post check or application crashes or network failure)

timeout (int, optional):

Time in seconds to wait for a block to be returned from a worker. The worker is killed (and the block retried) if this time is exceeded.
class daisy.DependencyGraph(tasks)[source]



class daisy.Coordinate[source]

A tuple of integers.

Allows the following element-wise operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, absolute value, and negation. All operations are applied element wise and support both Coordinates and Numbers. This allows to perform simple arithmetics with coordinates, e.g.:

shape = Coordinate(2, 3, 4)
voxel_size = Coordinate(10, 5, 1)
size = shape*voxel_size # == Coordinate(20, 15, 4)
size * 2 + 1 # == Coordinate(41, 31, 9)

Coordinates can be initialized with any iterable of ints, e.g.:


Coordinates can also pack multiple args into an iterable, e.g.:


Test if this coordinate is a multiple of the given coordinate.


Will always round down if self % other == other / 2.


class daisy.Roi(offset, shape)[source]

A rectangular region of interest, defined by an offset and a shape. Special Cases:

An infinite/unbounded ROI:
offset = (None, None, …) shape = (None, None, …)
An empty ROI (e.g. output of intersecting two non overlapping Rois):
offset = (None, None, …) shape = (0, 0, …)

A ROI that only specifies a shape is not supported (just use Coordinate).

There is no guessing size of offset or shape (expanding to number of dims of the other).

Basic Operations:

Addition/subtraction (Coordinate or int) - shifts the offset elementwise (alias for shift)

Multiplication/division (Coordiante or int) - multiplies/divides the offset and the shape, elementwise

Roi Operations:
Intersect, union

Similar to Coordinate, supports simple arithmetics, e.g.:

roi = Roi((1, 1, 1), (10, 10, 10))
voxel_size = Coordinate((10, 5, 1))
roi * voxel_size = Roi((10, 5, 1), (100, 50, 10))
scale_shift = roi*voxel_size + 1 # == Roi((11, 6, 2), (101, 51, 11))


offset (array-like of int):

The offset of the ROI. Entries can be None to indicate there is no offset (either unbounded or empty).

shape (array-like of int):

The shape of the ROI. Entries can be None to indicate unboundedness.

Smallest coordinate inside ROI.


Get the center of this ROI.


Test if this ROI contains other, which can be another Roi, Coordinate, or tuple.


Create a copy of this ROI.


The the number of dimensions of this ROI.


Test if this ROI is empty.


Smallest coordinate which is component-wise larger than any inside ROI.


Alias for to_slices().

grow(amount_neg=0, amount_pos=0)[source]

Grow a ROI by the given amounts in each direction:


amount_neg (Coordinate or int):

Amount (per dimension) to grow into the negative direction. Passing in a single integer grows that amount in all dimensions. Defaults to zero.

amount_pos (Coordinate or int):

Amount (per dimension) to grow into the positive direction. Passing in a single integer grows that amount in all dimensions. Defaults to zero.

Get the intersection of this ROI with another Roi.


Test if this ROI intersects with another Roi.


Shift this ROI.


Get the volume of this ROI. Returns None if the ROI is unbounded.

snap_to_grid(voxel_size, mode='grow')[source]

Align a ROI with a given voxel size.


voxel_size (Coordinate or tuple):

The voxel size of the grid to snap to.

mode (string, optional):

How to align the ROI if it is not a multiple of the voxel size. Available modes are ‘grow’, ‘shrink’, and ‘closest’. Defaults to ‘grow’.

Get a tuple of slice that represent this ROI and can be used to index arrays.


Test if this ROI is unbounded.


Get the union of this ROI with another Roi.



