Source code for daisy.block

from __future__ import absolute_import
from .freezable import Freezable
from enum import Enum
from funlib.math import cantor_number
import copy

class BlockStatus(Enum):
    CREATED = 0
    SUCCESS = 2
    FAILED = 3

[docs]class Block(Freezable): """Describes a block to process with attributes: Attributes: read_roi (`class:Roi`): The region of interest (ROI) to read from. write_roi (`class:Roi`): The region of interest (ROI) to write to. status (``BlockStatus``): Stores the processing status of the block. Block status should be updated as it goes through the lifecycle of scheduler to client and back. block_id (``int``): A unique ID for this block (within all blocks tiling the total ROI to process). task_id (``int``): The id of the Task that this block belongs to. Args: total_roi(`class:Roi`): The total ROI that the blocks are tiling, needed to find unique block IDs. read_roi (`class:Roi`): The region of interest (ROI) to read from. write_roi (`class:Roi`): The region of interest (ROI) to write to. block_id (``int``, optional): The ID to assign to this block. The ID is normally computed from the write ROI and the total ROI, such that each block has a unique ID. task_id (``int``, optional): The id of the Task that this block belongs to. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, total_roi, read_roi, write_roi, block_id=None, task_id=None): self.read_roi = read_roi self.write_roi = write_roi self.requested_write_roi = write_roi # save original write_roi self.task_id = task_id if block_id is None: block_id = self.__compute_block_id(total_roi, write_roi) self.block_id = (task_id, block_id) self.status = BlockStatus.CREATED self.started_processing = None self.stopped_processing = None self.freeze() def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def __compute_block_id(self, total_roi, write_roi, shift=None): block_index = ( write_roi.offset - total_roi.offset ) / write_roi.shape # block_id will be the cantor number for this block index block_id = int(cantor_number(block_index)) return block_id def __repr__(self): return "%s/%d with read ROI %s and write ROI %s" % ( self.block_id[0], self.block_id[1], self.read_roi, self.write_roi, ) def __eq__(self, other): return other is not None and self.block_id == other.block_id def __hash__(self): return hash(self.block_id)